Onze Diensten

We brengen je senior marketingervaring uit 20+ sectoren. Denk verder dan directe concurrentie en industrie-geaccepteerde codes. Verrijk uw mix met bewezen strategieën en tactieken uit sectoren met gelijkaardige marketing-uitdagingen.

Acquisition or Adoption marketing 

Innovation adoption is slow. It follows a curve, reaches early adopters first, then diffuses towards peers and eventually the majority or mass consumer.  In order to help clients reach that tipping point as soon as possible, tools & arguments to reach each group will need to be adapted: The masses tend to be less engaged, distracted. They need reassurance, reviews and good customer service. Factors have been identified to accelerate the adoption of an innovation. 

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Over ons

Independent Cross-Industry Marketing Consulting network:

the Markitects inject strategic Marketing thinking from 20+ sectors to help clients grow sustainably².

Keen preference for pioneers exploring the edges of status quo
