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Factors that accelerate adoption

Speed up access to your innovation? Everett Rogers looked deeper at what could accelerate adoption. He looked at product-related factors that could help speed up this process. 5 factors can accelerate adoption of an innovation: Relative advantage - Compatibility - Complexity - Trialability - Observability.


Let’s take them 1 by 1, and apply them to Marketing & Sustainable habit change:

  1. Relative Advantage: it’s only when a consumer perceives an advantage vs. the existing, that he/she’ll find a incentive to change behavior. Marketing is needed to clarify these advantages in an info-overload era. Can you translate it in 6 words for a social media article? Make it visual : can it be explained in a 10" video (Avoid the pdf's...)? TESLA proved its concept with a 2-seater sportscar, then a luxurious Model S. The advantage of electric supercars being established, it is now ready to break even with the mass-produced Model 3 (which hit belgian territory today!).
  2. CompatibilityDo I have to change a lot (mentally or technically) to take up your new product? Here we see that the 1st two innovator-categories (innovators & early adopters) will need less 'comforting' vs. the later or more risk-averse groups. The geeks like to show off with disruptive technology whereas the majority needs reassurance (after-sales departments & reassuring FAQ). Since we’re aiming for the volume of the masses (they turn innovation into a lasting success), companies need to adapt messaging and marketing to each adopter-phase and cognitive needs. For the masses, arguments need to answer the question of reassurance. TESLA doesn't ask to switch to a bike in the belgian rain, it allows you to keep your mobility habits. It's compatible with what you do today. Its LCA ain't perfect yet, but hey, it's a step in the right direction.
  3. Complexity: Do you make it simple for me to change? Do I immediately see what your innovation is doing? Is it simple to take it in, or do I need to be a physicist to understand the 50-page manual? Is it easy & fluid? Again, geeks are different, they like to show off with super-technical options & sophistication.
  4.  Trialability : Make things easy to try. “Happy or 100% reimbursed”, “send back for free”, “test me”. Car makes know that the number of test-drives are directly linked with sales. Renault knew converting people to electric cars wasn’t simple, so the new Zoe came with a “if u don’t like electric, we’ll take it back & switch it for a fuel-engine model”. Quite a guarantee for the risk-allergics amongst us!
  5. Observability: Can the others SEE that I innovated? Can my neighbours notice my car in front of the garage? The visibility will create incentive for friends & colleagues to be curious (and jealous...). Social Media is an obivous help to accelerate this visibility. Apple is exceptionally strong in integrating this one (there's a reason behind every feature), 3 examples : 
White earphones were the only visible cue that you have an ipod & not some regular mp3-player in your pocket.
With every email, you proudly sign: ‘ sent with my iPhone'. Every recipient gets an extra ounce of peer-pressure to get one too.
Why does that logo light up on Mac laptops? Visibility! Ever noticed it’s positioned for the audience to see it correctly, not the user.

So what?

Whether you’re a start-up, a scale-up in B2B, a multinational in OTC/Pharma/FMCG: take that 5-point mental checklist for your next launchplan.

  • Factor them in your innovation process from the start. Not having ipod manuals were a nice cost-saving. But it required to design a pretty foolproof user-interface right from conception.
  • Think of all your stakeholders: “Intel inside” was a smart commercial deal negotiated with clients. It became a 365-tounchpoint ad campaign. Before that sticker, nobody ever heard of chip-makers’ brands...
  • Having influencers or Key-Opinion-Formers wear your product is also a good shortcut to create visibility. Beats' headphones & Neymar, etc.
  • When you're considering your next product, think of the factors that will speed up visibility & shareability among your target : is it the technical pdf? Or can you turn it into an emotional & epic split trick/truck?

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